In the natural environment, we find many vitamins, minerals and substances that act as natural fat burners. We are talking about substances that speed up metabolism and help cleanse the body. Such substances are very often used in slimming patches and other supplements, and one of the most effective is 5-hydroxytryptophan.
What is 5-http …
5-http is an organic chemical compound, a derivative of tryptophan, a naturally occurring amino acid, a precursor of serotonin, and an endogenous compound. This means that it can be synthesised independently by the human body, in this case using one of the key essential amino acids, tryptophan. This compound is something between tryptophan, of which it is a derivative, and serotonin, for which it is a precursor. In order to increase serotonin levels in the brain, supplementation with 5-HTP is therefore a more effective solution and bypasses the initial metabolic processes that occur with tryptophan administration.
This effective fat burner has been known for a very long time. The benefits of 5-HTP date back thousands of years and began in West African countries with the Griffonia Simplicifolia plant. Its use in folk medicine has as impressive and rich a history as many of the Asian herbs whose use is famous throughout the world. It was during research on this plant that the compound was first classified and it is regarded as its natural source.
Use of the supplement
5-hydroxytryptophan is used in sports and health supplements to, among other things, support falling asleep and regulate the depth of sleep, and as a building amino acid for muscle tissue. Studies show that this natural fat burner has a proven effect in improving mood and combating the initial symptoms of depression and decreased well-being, including those of unidentified origin. Currently, supplements based on this compound are used by people of very different age ranges, and dosages depend on our individual tolerance and, of course, the purpose of supplementation.
This is because 5-HTP is very well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and has a key ability to cross the blood-brain barrier. The main mechanism of action is the aforementioned increase in serotonin levels in the brain, one of the key neurotransmitters for the functioning of the human body. It is responsible for the function of the entire central nervous system and also determines mood and emotional stability. It is also referred to by many as the happiness hormone, although it should be remembered that this name sometimes also refers to endorphins, for which PEA is a precursor. It should also be emphasised that serotonin levels in the body are variable, and therefore its fluctuations are often responsible for the improvement or deterioration of our mood. It is also worth mentioning that 5-Hydroxytryptophan was initially used mainly as an effective supplement for insomnia and disorders related to sleep and the whole process of falling asleep.

5-HTP and a weight loss diet
5-Http has been known to humans for many years, but it is only in the last few years that 5-HTP has been included in some supplements such as weight-loss patches. This is because it has been discovered that 5-Hydroxytryptophan is a compound that activates processes associated with reduction, such as thermogenic fat burners. Studies show that higher levels of serotonin in the brain are not only responsible for mood, better sleep quality and concentration, but also reduce the feeling of hunger and prevent sudden attacks of hunger, so weight loss during supplementation with this compound is only natural.
Excessive appetite is the biggest existing obstacle during a weight-loss diet. Even if we are able to motivate ourselves to exercise and be active, denying ourselves a delicious cake or a favourite snack is often a task beyond our capabilities. The calorie surplus created from snacking makes it extremely difficult to achieve satisfactory weight loss results. Performing a strenuous set of exercises rarely allows us to expend 500 kcal of energy, while a larger amount will be delivered by eating just a small 100 gram bar of chocolate. This clearly emphasises the role of appetite blockers in daily reduction. In addition, serotonin helps to stabilise our mood, so that we do not fall into the trap of moments of forgetfulness and breakdown, which usually cost us a lot.
Another aspect worth mentioning is sleep. Its depth and regularity is also an important factor in controlling body weight, as many hormones responsible for, among other things, the composition of our body tissues are produced during this time.
In recent years, 5-hydroxytryptophan has been one of the most popular effective fat burners with a wide range of uses. People use it to have a better mood, to be able to sleep faster, to feel inner peace, but also to improve their metabolism. Thanks to these properties, 5-hydroxytryptophan is used in many high-end supplements such as Naturalizer.