Doing sport regularly and dieting to lose weight is the answer to the question 'how to lose 10 kilos’. However, there are times when, in wanting to do sport regularly, we reach a point where we lose all power and commitment. The moment when we have no motivation to go to the gym and do anything. At such moments, training with a personal trainer comes in handy.
Your new coach
A personal trainer, also known as a personal coach, is a person who arranges an individual set of exercises and teaches them to be performed correctly. His or her role is also to motivate the client, monitor his or her performance and manage a weight loss diet. By working with a personal trainer, you can significantly shorten the time needed to achieve a specific figure goal.
Personal trainers specialise in conducting personal training, i.e. individual classes for clients. They usually last 60 minutes, although shorter and additionally more effective forms of personal training can also be found. Classes with a specialist are preceded by a conversation during which the expected results or health status is discussed. The consultation may also concern eating habits. Training with a personal trainer is safe, as a qualified person watches over the correct execution of exercises. Constant control over your silhouette allows you to avoid mistakes that could lead to injury, which is especially important for people starting their adventure with regular physical activity.
When considering what personal training looks like, you need to take into account whether it will be in a traditional gym or perhaps a different one. Personal training is usually done on an individual basis, so it’s a great solution for those who aren’t keen on exercising in groups, which is often the case for beginners. Personal training at a traditional gym lasts, depending on your needs, between one and two hours. During this time, the personal trainer sets up an activity plan before the class begins. He or she takes into account the trainee’s lifestyle, the results they want to achieve and their capabilities. The pre-workout consultation may also include a conversation about eating habits and even setting up a diet plan. Combining physical activity with the right diet is a guarantee that the expected results will appear even faster. Adding slimming patches will help the body to burn fat faster.
Good coach and good motivator
A personal trainer can play an important role during our fight against obesity, so it is worth paying special attention to who we establish a cooperation with. When thinking about choosing a trainer, it is important to remember that he or she should combine several skills and knowledge in the field:
- a dietician, because when starting the adventure of personal training, the trainer must know that the figure of your dreams depends both on exercise itself, which is a natural fat burner, and a properly selected diet. The trainer does not have to be a professional dietician with a degree, one must have knowledge of nutrition in sport and beyond. He or she must know how to put together a diet tailored to the individual needs of the client, but also how to change bad eating habits. In the case of people who have to abstain from certain nutrients due to illnesses, he must know how to select dishes,
- manager, as training needs to be properly planned in order to achieve the desired goals. Often beginners make a lot of mistakes, so that even the hardest work does not bring the desired results. A personal trainer has to arrange exercise plans, make sure that workouts are performed according to the right assumptions, increase the mentee’s awareness of his/her body, and thus show him/her the right way to achieve success.
- a motivator, because everyone who exercises at some point starts to go through a crisis. There is a lack of energy and desire, and the very thought of the next workout causes fatigue and discouragement. And this is where the role of the personal trainer comes in. With his or her knowledge of motivational tools, combined with elements of psychology, neuro-linguistic programming and body language, the trainer must know how to effectively motivate the client to keep going.
Training with a personal trainer is like an effective fat burner, as it allows you to achieve the desired results much faster. The specialist’s knowledge and experience enable him or her to match the ideal exercises to the person training. Particularly effective is training with the use of electrostimulation of muscles. Such classes are always personal training, as the specialist has to be present to guide the application, in which he/she selects the power and frequency of the impulses. Training with a personal trainer is also safe. The specialist checks the alignment of the body and is also happy to answer questions and dispel any doubts..

How do you find your coach?
You spend a lot of time with a personal trainer, especially if it is a class held in a traditional gym. So you need to choose a specialist well, which is best done by looking for recommendations. It is a good idea to track down reviews online, as well as to ask friends for their opinion. When looking for opinions, it is worth remembering that different qualities of a personal trainer are important to everyone. One person may care about a pleasant atmosphere and another about a strict specialist. The price of the service is also important. The cost of classes with a personal trainer can depend on a number of factors, such as the city in which the classes are held.
When looking for a trainer, you should also pay attention to the trainer’s skills. A professional trainer should have:
- certificates of completed courses
- theoretical knowledge combined with practical observations,
- coaching skills.
Next, it is worth paying attention to the behaviour of the coach. Already during the first meetings we will see if we are dealing with the right person. The key will be to take an interest in our person and to identify our training history, goals, injuries and anything else that may have any influence on further progress. Particular attention should be paid to whether the trainer hands out ready-made, almost identical plans to the next person or whether he or she actually arranges them personally. If the person in question has all the right qualities, he or she can help us find the answer to the question „how to lose weight quickly”.